Armory Scale Agent Service Configuration Options
This page contains a detailed list of configuration options for the Agent service.
Configuration options
Settings | Type | Default | Description |
clouddriver.auth.token |
string | none | 0.3.0+ Optional bearer token added to each request back to the endpoint. |
clouddriver.auth.tokenCommand.command clouddriver.auth.tokenCommand.args clouddriver.auth.tokenCommand.format clouddriver.auth.tokenCommand.refreshIntervalSeconds |
string []string string integer |
none none [] 0 |
0.3.0+ Allows to invoke a command every refreshIntervalSeconds seconds that outputs either the token (format is raw ) or a JSON object with an attribute of token if format is json or left empty. args is the optional list of parameters to the command. |
clouddriver.grpc |
string (hostname) | spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091 |
Hostname of the Clouddriver or gRPC proxy endpoint. |
clouddriver.backoff.baseDelay clouddriver.backoff.multiplier clouddriver.backoff.jitter clouddriver.backoff.maxDelay |
long float float long |
1000000000 (1 second) 1.6 0.2 120000000000 (120 seconds) check backoff - Go package for changes in the future |
1.0.54+The amount of nanoseconds to backoff after the first connection failure. 1.0.54+The factor with which to multiply connection backoffs after a failed retry. Should ideally be greater than 1. 1.0.54+The factor with which connection backoffs are randomized. 1.0.54+The nanoseconds upper bound of connection backoff delay. |
clouddriver.keepAliveHeartbeatSeconds |
integer | 20 | 0.6.9+Optional. How often the gPRC keep alive message is sent. - Not set: (default) sent every 20 seconds. - 0: not sent. - Any n value greater than 0: sent every n seconds. |
clouddriver.keepAliveOperationSeconds |
integer | 0 | 1.0.58+Optional. How much time to wait after not receiving operations to restart the connection to clouddriver. - Not set: default 0 (not restart). - Any n value greater than 0: restart every n seconds. |
clouddriver.keepAliveTimeOutSeconds |
integer | none | Timeout before closing the grpc connection. |
clouddriver.insecure |
boolean | true | Set to false, if you are connecting to a TLS server. |
clouddriver.noProxy |
boolean | false | 0.3.1+ Ignore the HTTP_PROXY , HTTPS_PROXY , and NO_PROXY environment variables when connecting back to the control plane (Armory Continuous Deployment). |
clouddriver.responseRetries.enabled clouddriver.responseRetries.maxRetries clouddriver.responseRetries.backOffMs |
boolean integer integer |
true 3 3000 |
0.6.7+Enables or disables retries. 0.6.7+How many times to retry sending the response to Clouddriver. 0.6.7+How much time to wait between retries in milliseconds. Note that Agent Plugin config option kubesvc.cache.operationWaitMs should be set so that it does not time out before the retries are complete. |
clouddriver.tls.serverName |
string | none | Server name on the remote certificate (override from the hostname). |
clouddriver.tls.insecureSkipVerify |
boolean | false | Do not verify the endpoint's certificate. |
clouddriver.tls.clientCertFile clouddriver.tls.clientKeyFile clouddriver.tls.clientKeyFilePassword |
string string string |
none none none |
Client certificate file for mTLS. Client key file if not included in the certificate. Password the key file if needed. |
clouddriver.tls.cacertFile |
string | none | If provided, verify endpoint certificate with the trust store. Otherwise, the system trust store is used. |
dynamicAccounts.interceptor.enabled |
boolean | true | Whether to intercept new accounts being added on the fly. |
dynamicAccounts.enabled |
boolean | false | Dynamic account feature enabled. |
dynamicAccounts.scanBatchSize |
integer | 572 | How many accounts to send to scale agent at a time. |
dynamicAccounts.scanFrequencySeconds |
integer | 120 | How often should accounts be scanned for. |
dynamicAccounts.namePatterns |
list | [] | Patterns to match for account migration in accounts table. |
dynamicAccounts.credentialScanNamePatterns |
list | [] | Patterns to match in credential sources. |
kubernetes.noProxy |
boolean | false | 0.3.1+ Ignore the HTTP_PROXY , HTTPS_PROXY , and NO_PROXY environment variables when connecting to any Kubernetes cluster. |
kubernetes.reconnectTimeoutMs |
integer | 5000 | How long to wait before reconnecting to Armory Continuous Deployment. |
kubernetes.cacheGroupSize |
integer | 0 | Number of accounts per group when delaying watcher initialization. |
kubernetes.cacheGroupDelayMs |
integer | 0 | How long to wait between each group of accounts when initializing watchers. |
kubernetes.accounts[].context |
string | empty | If provided, use the given context of the configured kubeconfig. |
kubernetes.accounts[].customResourceDefinitions |
[]{kind: |
empty | 0.4.0+ List of CustomResourceDefinition to expose to Armory Continuous Deployment. This is not needed if onlyNamespacedResources is left off. The format of kind is . |
kubernetes.accounts[].customResourceDefinitions.scope |
string | Namespaced | 1.0.9+ Possible values are 'Cluster' and 'Namespaced'. The default value if left unconfigured is 'Namespaced'. |
kubernetes.accounts[].kinds |
[]string | empty | Defines which Kubernetes kinds to cache for the Spinnaker UI. If not empty, only kinds in the list are cached. Use only the kind name in singular form and without group name (e.g. deployment , not deployment.apps ). This also applies to CRDs.There’s no benefit to caching kinds that don’t display in the Spinnaker UI. The recommended set of kinds to include (per account) is: replicaSet , service , ingress , daemonSet , deployment , pod , statefulSet , job , cronJob .Note: Operations are still possible on every kind regardless of the config, and statuses for those operations are not affected. For example, if you need to deploy another kind such as HorizontalPodAutoscaler , and this kind is not defined in this list, the deployment still succeeds. |
kubernetes.accounts[].kubeConfigFile |
string | none | Path to the kubeconfig file if not using serviceAccount . |
kubernetes.accounts[].insecure |
boolean | false | Do not verify the TLS certificate of the Kubernetes API server Don’t use without a good reason. |
kubernetes.accounts[].metrics |
boolean | false | When true, sends pod metrics back to Armory Continuous Deployment every 20s. |
kubernetes.accounts[].name |
string | none, required | Name of the Kubernetes cluster in Armory Continuous Deployment. |
kubernetes.accounts[].namespaces |
[]string | empty | 0.4.0+ Whitelist of namespaces to monitor. This comes at a greater cost of multiplying the resources by the number of namespaces. |
kubernetes.accounts[].noProxy |
boolean | false | 0.3.1+ Ignore the HTTP_PROXY , HTTPS_PROXY , and NO_PROXY environment variables when connecting to that Kubernetes cluster. |
kubernetes.accounts[].oAuthScopes |
[]string | empty | List of OAuth scope when authenticating with gcp provider Cluster access for kubectl. |
kubernetes.accounts[].omitKinds |
[]string | empty | List of kinds not to cache. |
kubernetes.accounts[].omitNamespaces |
[]string | empty | Blacklist of namespaces This comes at a greater cost of multiplying the resources by the number of namespaces. NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED |
kubernetes.accounts[].onlyNamespacedResources |
boolean | false | 0.4.0+ If true, the Agent ignores non-namespaced resources; namespaces must be whitelisted with namespaces setting and CRDs with customResourceDefinitons . |
kubernetes.accounts[].onlySpinnakerManaged |
boolean | false | Only return Armory Continuous Deployment managed resources NOT IMPLEMENTED in the Agent but added to the plugin see kubesvc.runtime.defaults.onlySpinnakerManaged . |
kubernetes.accounts[].permissions |
list | empty | List of permissions (currently READ or WRITE ) with a list of authorized roles. For more information, see Permissions format. |
kubernetes.accounts[].maxResumableResourceAgeMs |
integer | 300000 (5m) | When connecting to Armory Continuous Deployment, the Agent asks Clouddriver for the latest resource version known per resource that is not older than that setting. The resource version is used to resume the watch without first doing a list - saving memory and time. There’s no guarantee that the resource version is still known. If not “remembered” by the Kubernetes API server, a list call is used. Kubernetes API Concepts |
kubernetes.accounts[].serviceAccount |
boolean | false | If true and the Agent runs in Kubernetes - use the current service account to call to the current API server. In that mode, you don’t need to provide a kubeconfig file. |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.enabled |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never use ServerSideApply (SSA). allowed: Use CSA unless annotation enabled is present or config kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].enabled is present in configuration file. |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.clearManagedFields |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never delete managed fields in order to keep agent as the only manager of a manifest. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation enabled is present or kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].clearManagedFields is present in configuration file. |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.manifestDefaults |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never modify applied manifests to include field defaults. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation enabled is present or kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].manifestDefaults is present in configuration file. |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].kind |
string | 1.0.47+ Kind name ID for the next configurations | |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].enabled |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never use ServerSideApply (SSA). allowed: Use CSA unless annotation enabled is present |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].clearManagedFields |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never delete managed fields in order to keep agent as the only manager of a manifest. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation enabled is present |
kubernetes.serverSideApply.kinds[].manifestDefaults |
string | allowed | 1.0.47+ Optional. always/never/allowed. Override annotations and kind list to Always/Never modify applied manifests to include field defaults. allowed: Send manifest as-is unless annotation enabled is present |
kubernetes.retries.enabled |
boolean | true | Optional. Enable or disable retries when the Agent makes a failed request to the Kubernetes API server. |
kubernetes.retries.maxRetries |
integer | 3 | Optional. The number of times that the Agent will try the same request if it fails. |
kubernetes.retries.backOffMs |
integer | 3000 | Optional. How much time (in milliseconds) to wait between retry attempts. |
kubernetes.retries.retryAnyError |
boolean | false | Optional. If true, Agent will retry when encountering any error from the Kubernetes API server. If false, Agent will only retry if the error contains any item from retryableErrors . |
kubernetes.retries.retryableErrors |
string | - timeout - deadline exceeded |
Optional. If the error from the Kubernetes API server contains any item from this list, the request will be retried. Requires retryAnyError to be false. |
logging.file |
string | stdout if not defined | File to save logs to. |
logging.format |
string | text | Format for the Agent logs. Can be text or json |
logging.level |
string | INFO |
Log level. Can be any of (case insensitive):panic , fatal , error , warn (or warning ), info , debug , trace . |
logging.multiWrite |
boolean | false | When set to true, logs will be printed to stdout and saved to a file simultaneously. |
logging.maxSizeMb |
integer | 1 | Max size of each log file. |
logging.maxAgeDays |
integer | 10 | How many days to keep the log file backup. |
logging.maxBackups |
integer | 10 | Max number of log file backups. |
logging.localTime |
boolean | true | when set to true the timestamps will have local time, otherwise UTC. |
logging.compress |
boolean | false | when set to true files are compressed as tar gz. |
logging.fields |
map | empty | Logging contextual key-value pairs. The agentCluster and agentNamespace keys could be detected automatically when a value is not provided, and being populated with the name/host of the cluster, and namespace where the instance is running.E.g. logging.fields.agentNamespace: The agentNamespace will be automatically discover by the instance. logging.fields.agentNamespace: test The agentNamespace will use the provided value. |
pprof.enabled |
boolean | false | Enable pprof endpoint. Useful for troubleshooting, slowness, memory leaks, and more! pprof README. |
pprof.port |
integer | 6060 | Port on which to respond to pprof requests. |
prometheus.enabled |
boolean | false | Enable Prometheus handler. |
prometheus.port |
integer | 8008 | Port to expose Prometheus metrics on. Responds to both /metrics (standard) and /prometheus_metrics (Armory Continuous Deployment default). | |
string | localhost | Hostname of the server health check. |
server.port |
integer | 8082 | Port of the server health check. |
server.ssl.enabled , server.ssl.certFile , server.ssl.keyFile , server.ssl.keyPassword , server.ssl.caCertFile , server.ssl.keyFilePassword , server.ssl.clientAuth |
Various options to control TLS config. Don’t bother, it’s just for the health endpoint. | ||
secrets.vault.* |
object | none | Vault configuration. |
tasks.totalBudget |
integer | 1000 | If > 0, limits the number of cluster sync tasks that can be started concurrently, this is when doing the initial listing before starting a watcher, modifying this value can help reduce memory spikes when Agent starts. |
tasks.budgetPerAccount |
integer | 50 | Same as totalBudget but per account. If both settings are provided, they’re both checked. |
tasks.queueCheckFrequencyMs |
integer | 2000 | Frequency at which the Agent checks for new tasks to launch. Once launched a task is not stopped until explicitly requested (account unregistered or connection to Armory Continuous Deployment lost). |
timeoutSeconds |
integer | 0 | 0.5.12+ The maximum length of time to wait before giving up on a server request. A value of zero means no timeout. |
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Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)