v0.6.2 Armory Agent Service (2021-09-22)

New features and improvements

  • You can now install the Armory Agent service with Helm:
helm repo add armory-charts http://armory.jfrog.io/artifactory/charts
helm install armory-agent armory-charts/agent-k8s-full \
    --set config.clouddriver.grpc=${CLOUDDRIVER_HOST_AND_PORT}

All configuration options available in the armory-agent.yml config file can be passed as values to Helm under the config section.

For more information, see Deploy the Armory Scale Agent Service Using a Helm Chart.

Known Issues

Kubernetes account permissions format

    - name: my-k8s-account
        - READ: ['role1', 'role2']
        - WRITE: ['role3', 'role4']

Make sure that there are no whitespaces in the role configurations under the READ and WRITE tags. The permissions are not applied if there are whitespaces in the configuration. This means that all users will have access to the defined account.

Affected versions: all versions

Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)