Armory Release Notes

You can also find Armory’s Halyard releases notes here.

Different Armory Release Types

Armory is based off OSS’s (Open Source Spinnaker) release cadence, in which we extend OSS with Armory features. We provide a few different release types.

Release Type Description
stable Stable release for use in production environments
rc Latest Armory + OSS release candidates
ossedge OSS nightly builds (untested)
edge Armory nightly + OSS nightly builds (untested)

Understanding Armory + Open Source Spinnaker Releases

Stable Releases

$ hal version list
 - 2.2.0 (OSS Release 1.11.9):
   Published: Mon Feb 25 04:58:47 GMT 2019
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)
 - 2.3.0 (OSS Release 1.12.x):
   Published: Thu Mar 28 03:44:19 GMT 2019
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)

Stable releases have been tested by Armory. Most of our customers will be using them.

We use semantic versioning for tagging, e.g. 12.3.4.

  • MAJOR versions correspond to any major Armory platform changes or breaking OSS changes.
  • MINOR versions correspond to a new OSS release branch.
  • PATCH versions are reserved for minor changes in the same OSS branch.
Armory Release OSS Release Branch
2.1.x 1.10.x
2.2.x 1.11.x
2.3.x 1.12.x
2.4.x 1.13.x
2.5.x 1.14.x
2.15.x 1.15.x
2.16.x 1.16.x
2.17.x 1.17.x
2.18.x 1.18.x
2.19.x 1.19.x

RC Releases

$ hal version list --release=rc
 - 2.2.1-rc463 (2.2.1 Release Candidate):
   Published: Mon Apr 01 16:53:32 GMT 2019
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)
 - 2.3.1-rc40 (2.3.1 Release Candidate):
   Published: Mon Apr 01 16:53:33 GMT 2019
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)

An rc release reflects the latest from Armory and OSS release branches.

  • These versions are used internally at Armory.
  • A few customers may be using it, but we do not recommend using it in production.

RCs also follow semantic versioning with the format like 1.2.3-rc202.

OSS Edge Releases

$ hal version list --release=ossedge
 - 2019.04.03-ossedge2143 (OSS Edge release):
   Published: Wed Apr 03 18:34:18 GMT 2019
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)

An ossedge release is created from OSS master.

  • This version has not been tested at Armory, only built and served.
  • This is mainly being used for development work by our customers and should not be used in production or any critical workloads.

Armory uses dates and build numbers for their versions. e.g.:

  • 2019.04.03-ossedge2143
  • 2019.04.02-ossedge2142
  • 2019.04.01-ossedge2141
  • (Weekend! 🎉💃)
  • 2019.03.29-ossedge2140
  • 2019.03.28-ossedge2139
  • 2019.03.27-ossedge2138

Edge Releases

bash-4.4$ hal version list --release=edge
 - 2018.11.01-edge1031 (Edge release):
   Published: Thu Nov 01 20:10:29 GMT 2018

An edge release is created from OSS master and Armory master.

  • These aren’t actively maintained, but can be built when a customer has need for it.
  • This is mainly being used for development work by our customers and should not be used in production or any critical workloads.

Selecting a version to install

$ hal config version edit --version 2.3.0

See halyard reference for additional information.

List of Stable Armory Releases