Spinnaker on Redhat/Centos

The information below was written for a previous version of Armory Spinnaker (v1.13 and earlier). Please look here for documentation on the latest version.

Using CentOS or Redhat for Armory Spinnaker

After setting up Spinnaker through the Spinnaker-Terraform method, change or add the bake stage in the “Spinnaker deploy Spinnaker” pipeline to the following.


  • Any selection of Base OS will work, it’ll be used for AMI naming. Changes can be made through the spinnaker-local.yml.
  • Show Advance Options needs to be checked for the following.

screenshot of bake stage


Package: armoryspinnaker

Extended Attributes:
    repository: https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/7/; https://dl.bintray.com/armory/rpms
    package_type: rpm
    aws_ssh_username: centos
    aws_instance_type: m4.large

Base AMI: ami-bec022de (a base CentOS 7.1704)
AMI Name: centos-armoryspinnaker


Package: armoryspinnaker

Extended Attributes:
    repository: https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/7/; https://dl.bintray.com/armory/rpms
    package_type: rpm
    aws_ssh_username: ec2-user
    aws_instance_type: m4.large

Base AMI: ami-b55a51cc (a base Redhat 7.3)
AMI Name: redhat-armoryspinnaker

Armory Spinnaker AMI & Debian Distribution

When significant updates are available we distribute a new version of Armory Spinnaker that includes updated components from the OSS community edition as well. We release minor patches every few days for priority fixes. You can find more under release management.

Using A Release Candidate Build

  1. Update your armoryspinnaker bake stage with our release candidate Debian repository. You’ll need to add a new extended attribute with the following:
Key: repository
Value: https://dl.bintray.com/armory/internal trusty main

bake stage

  1. Update Package field

Update the package field with the new version given to you by Armory, for example:


edit package field