v1.5.0 Armory Halyard

04/22/2019 Release Notes

Halyard Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

  • feat(config/aws): Add assumeRoleArn and anonymousAccess support (#182)

Halyard Community Contributions

  • feat(kube/v2): add ability to specify NodeAffinity, PodAffinity, and PodAntiAffinity (#1273)
  • fix(build): Fix aws-iam-authenticator in docker container (#1278)
  • fix(secrets): fix file prefix for saml keystore (#1276)
  • fix(halyard): Use “kubectl replace –force” for Kubernetes Secret creation (#1272)
  • fix(secrets): Always decrypt monitoring secrets (#1274)
  • fix(halyard): #3268 Adds missing ldap config parameters managerDn managerPassword groupSearchBase (#1031)
  • fix(clouddriver/profile): re-parentify deployment configuration after cloning providers (#1271)
  • chore: update kubectl to version 1.14.1 (#1270)
  • feat(buildmasters): Permission support for build masters (CI’s) (#1224)
  • fix(halyard): Ignore the user profile if it doesn’t exist. (#1268)
  • fix(config): Deck support for –infrastructure-stages (#1267)
  • feat(jenkins): Support for overriding TrustStore used by Jenkins (#1264)
  • fix(cf): Correct metricsUri and appsManagerUri configuration (#1262)
  • feat(gremlin): Allow Gremlin to get configured via Halyard (#1261)
  • feat(secrets): add decryptAsBytes to enable decryption of binary files (#1263)
  • feat(provider/azure): Add SSH public key support to provision linux vm (#1255)
  • feat(secrets): set minimum version for decryption in services (#1249)
  • fix(secrets): fix saml secret decryption (#1247)
  • feat(kubernetes): add livenessProbe (#1253)