v1.7.2 Armory Halyard (OSS 1.23)

10/09/2019 Release Notes

Full Version

1.7.2-rc17 (OSS 1.23.0-e625604-stable2 build 17)


This release adds support for Armory Halyard to access Bill of Materials stored in GCS.

The following configuration is required.

Enable GCS in halyard.yml or halyard-local.yml

Edit /opt/spinnaker/config/halyard-local.yml to have the following set:

spinnaker.config.input.gcs.enabled: true

Optionally set bucket name

Edit /opt/spinnaker/config/halyard-local.yml to set the following:

spinnaker.config.input.bucket: BUCKET_NAME

Note: BUCKET_NAME should be one of the following:

  • halconfig if you desire to deploy OSS Spinnaker releases
  • some other name if you desire to deploy releases from a different GCS bucket (such as when managing Spinnaker in an airgapped environment)

Stop Halyard

hal shutdown

Set and deploy Version with Halyard

hal config version edit --version ${DESIRED_VERSION}
hal deploy apply

Known Issues

No known issues

Halyard Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

  • feat(deploy): Allow BOMs in GCS via spinnaker.config.input.gcs.enabled (#268)
  • fix(bom): Expire BOM cache after 1m (#267)
  • feat(gitlab): Add Dinghy config for Gitlab (#266)

Halyard Community Contributions

  • fix(kubeconfig): Get contents of local kubeconfig files (#1425)
  • chore(core): Compile using the java compiler (#1432)
  • feat(canary): add newrelic as canary service (#1422)
  • fix(saml): make email address configurable (#1427)
  • chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1426)
  • feat(secrets): Support SAML metadata as secret (#1411)