v1.8.3 Armory Halyard (OSS 1.32.0)

04/02/2020 Release Notes

Armory Halyard 1.8.3 is the minimum version required to deploy Armory Spinnaker 2.19+.

Full Version

1.8.3-rc569 (OSS 1.32.0-214e5ba-stable548 build 569)

Known Issues


When you try to deploy Spinnaker using Halyard 1.8.3, you encounter the following error:

Validation in Global:
! ERROR Could not translate your halconfig: Unrecognized field
  "plugins" (class


Remove the top level key for Plugins in your Halconfig.


Secrets are stored decrypted at rest in the Pods of the Spinnaker services.

Workaround Upgrade to Armory Halyard 1.9.0 or later.

Halyard Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

No Changes

Halyard Community Contributions

  • fix(stats): New stats command only available in Armory 2.19+ (OSS 1.19+) (#1569)
  • feat(stats): Rename telemetry to stats, enable by default (#1565)
  • chore(containers): Upgrade the bundled tools (#1568)
  • chore(dependencies): upgrade commons-collections version (#1545)
  • feat(codebuild): Add support for static credentials (#1554)
  • feat(plugins): lays down plugin-manifest for Deck (#1539)
  • feat(kubernetes): prepare for upcoming removal of V1 provider (#1549)
  • fix(gate): apply the JVM flags to gate (#1547)
  • feat(telemetry): add ability to report deploy method (#1543)
  • feat(features): add support for Cloud Formation (#1493)