Storing Configurations

The information below was written for a previous version of Armory Spinnaker (v1.13 and earlier). Please look here for documentation on the latest version.

Refer to the Spinnaker documentation for storing configurations at

The information below has been deprecated.

What to expect

By storing configuration in source control we get all of the benefits that go along with it (versioning, change history, etc.) We provide 2 methods for storing configurations for Armory Spinnaker:

  • Packaged Configurations
    • stored in github
    • Package (Debians) using Jenkins
    • Storing the artifact in Bintray, deb-s3, nexus …
  • S3 Configurations
    • stored in a versioned, encrypted s3 bucket
    • simple revision history


Understanding config files

See the example files here:

Spinnaker uses Spring’s configuration ymls located in /opt/spinnaker/config/. Files are merged in top down order.

spinnaker-armory.yml  overrides spinnaker.yml
spinnaker-local.yml   overrides spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
spinnaker-secrets.yml overrides spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES overrides spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml

A subservice will also include spinnaker configuration files, for example igor:

spinnaker-armory.yml  overrides spinnaker.yml
spinnaker-local.yml   overrides spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
spinnaker-secrets.yml overrides spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
igor.yml              overrides spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
igor-armory.yml       overrides igor.yml, spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
igor-local.yml        overrides igor-armory.yml, igor.yml, spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
igor-secrets.yml      overrides igor-local.yml, igor-armory.yml, igor.yml, spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml
ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES overrides igor-secrets.yml, igor-local.yml, igor-armory.yml, igor.yml, spinnaker-secrets.yml, spinnaker-local.yml, spinnaker-armory.yml, spinnaker.yml


After choosing any configuration store, secrets should be handled by a secrets store. bin/secrets will run at runtime to fetch secrets from where ever your secrets are stored. Armory provides you a namespace -secrets.yml to store secret ymls. You edit bin/secrets to fetch and populate secrets by:

  • using secret ymls (ex: igor-secrets.yml) stored in /opt/spinnaker/config/
  • using password files stored in /opt/spinnaker/secrets/
  • set ENV variables

Packaged Configurations

GitHub Repo

We’ll start by forking the example repo from the Armory GitHub organization here: After forking, you can find the Spinnaker configuration -local.yml files in ./deb-config/spinnaker/config.


The forked repo is set up to build a deb package out of the configuration files. You can see how this works in /bin/ If you are using Jenkins then you can look at ./Jenkinsfile as an example. This is the flow you need to create in the build system:

  • bin/ executes and creates an artifact in build/distributions/*.deb
  • The deb file is uploaded to a central artifact store.

If you are using Jenkins, make sure to artifact the deb package. This is what tells Spinnaker which version of your package to use.


If you do not already have a central artifact repository system you might want to check out Deb S3. You may want to setup IAM permissions, but this is left as an exercise for the reader, however PRs are welcomed!


After the deb package is built and published to your central artifact repository you should verify that Spinnaker will be able to download it. To do this, SSH to one of the Spinnaker instances using the keys you provided during the installation. While connected, try to pull the artifact manually.

S3 Configurations

Armory includes a configurator that will store configurations in s3. This uses the bucket created during the installation of Armory to store configurations. You’ll need to:

Turning on the Configurator

  • edit your env file (ha.env) and add:
  • restart armory spinnaker
    service armory-spinnaker restart
  • visit http://your.spinnaker.elb/armory/config/
  • edit a file and hit save to persist the local version to s3

Using the Configurator

The Configurator will make edits to one of Armory Spinnaker’s machines, then uploads the files to s3. Configurations are locked to a server group at runtime, so you must redeploy it to see changes. This allows you to rollback to an existing OK Armory Spinnaker.

For big config changes (ex: initial setup) or fast dev cycle time:

  • Scale down to 1 polling ArmorySpinnaker
  • Edit the config on the machine
  • Restart ArmorySpinnaker
  • Verify changes are live
  • After you’ve finished, load the Configurator http://your.spinnaker.elb/armory/config
  • Hit save to persist the config
  • Redeploy ArmorySpinnaker

For smaller changes, make the change on the Configurator:

  • Hit save to persist the config
  • Redeploy ArmorySpinnaker