Pipelines as Code

The information below was written for a previous version of Armory Spinnaker (v1.13 and earlier). Please look here for documentation on the latest version.

What To Expect

This guide should include:

  • Configurator changes needed before enabling Armory’s “Pipelines as code” feature
  • Setting up GitHub or Stash webhooks to work with the “Pipelines as code” feature


To get an overview of Pipelines as code, check out the user guide

Steps to follow to configure Pipelines as code:

  • Create a personal access token (in either GitHub or Stash) that has read access to all repos where dinghyfiles and modules reside. Place this token in a file called github-creds.txt (or stash-creds.txt). The contents of this file should be of the format: username:token. Place this file in your secrets management system. By default, this will be the S3 bucket where the other credentials for spinnaker are pulled from.

Note: All the below config file changes are either done in the configurator UI https://your.spinnaker.installation/#/platform/config or wherever spinnaker configs are stored in your installation.

  • Add a line to /bin/secrets to copy the credentials created in the previous step to the instance where spinnaker will run. e.g.: aws s3 cp s3://your-s3-bucket/aws/spinnaker/${ENV}/github-creds.txt "${SPINNAKER_SECRETS_DIR}"

  • Create a new file: config/dinghy-local.yml with the following contents:

templateOrg:       armory-io  # github or stash "org" where the app repos and templates reside
dinghyFilename:    dinghyfile # name of the file which describes pipelines
templateRepo:      dinghy-templates # name of the repo containing modules
autoLockPipelines: true # whether or not to lock pipelines in the UI before updating them
spinAPIUrl:        https://spinnaker.your-company.com:8085
spinUIUrl:         https://spinnaker.your-company.io
githubCredsPath:   /path/to/github-creds # credentials for github api (username:token)
stashCredsPath:    /path/to/github-creds # credentials for stash api (username:token)
stashEndpoint:     http://stash.mycompany.com/rest/api/1.0", # url where stash is running
    level: INFO  # one of: (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC)
    # file: /var/log/dinghy.log  (This is optional, default is stdout i.e., goes to docker logs, remove comment if you want to log to a file)
    enabled: true
    baseUrl: http://orca:8083
    enabled: true
    baseUrl: http://front50:8080
fiat:  # if you have fiat enabled
    enabled: true
    baseUrl: http://fiat:7003
    authUser: your-service-account

Note: If you have fiat enabled, set the authUser to your service account which is in a group that has read/write access to the pipelines you will be updating. If you have app specific permissions configured in your spinnaker application, make sure the service account is added. If you need to create a new service account, here are the instructions

  • Edit the file config/echo-local.yml and add the following contents to it:
      enabled: true
        baseUrl: http://${DEFAULT_DNS_NAME:dinghy}:8081  # dinghy
        endpoint: v1/webhooks
  • Edit the file: prod.env (or dev.env if in dev environment) and set the following environment variable DINGHY_ENABLED=true

  • If you’re using GitHub, setup webhooks at the organization level for Push events. You can do that by going to: . Set the Payload URL to: https://spinnaker.your-company.com:8084/webhooks/git/github. You’ll need to have github’s webhooks IP whitelisted. You can find their IPs here: , you can read github’s docs here.

  • If you’re using Stash, you’ll need to setup webhooks for each project that has the dinghyfile or module separately. Make the webhook POST to: https://spinnaker.your-company.com:8084/webhooks/git/stash. If you’re using stash <v3.11.6, you’ll need to install the following webhook plugin to be able to setup webhooks.

  • Configure your spinnaker installation’s internal load balancer to forward all traffic on port 8081. Here’s a video that walks you through the process.

Now that all the configs are in place, upgrade to the release you recieved from Armory and the “Pipelines as Code” feature should be up and running. Refer to the user guide on how to use this feature!