1-Click App Creation

The information below was written for a previous version of Armory Spinnaker (v1.13 and earlier). Please look here for documentation on the latest version.

What To Expect

This guide should include:

  • Configuration changes needed to configure the 1-click app/resource provisioning feature


Armory’s 1-click app/resource provisioning feature allows you to bootstrap a brand new application and provision the following resources for the app with the click of a button:

  • Github Repo
  • Spinnaker application
  • Loadbalancer (service) in the Kubernetes cluster where the app will be deployed
  • DNS name for the app

The above is just a sample list of steps that will happen during app provisioning. This list is extensible through configuration (explained later).

Steps to follow to configure 1-click app creation:

  • Enable the Armory Platform, by setting the following feature flags in spinnaker-local.yml:
        enabled: true
        uiEnabled: true
  • If this is on the AWS EC2 installation of spinnaker, set the following environment variables in your prod.env (or preprod.env or dev.env depending on where you are running the platform):
  • Create a new file: config/platform-local.yml with the following contents:
      apiCredentialsPath: /opt/spinnaker/credentials/github-creds.txt
      organization: armory-io  # your github Org
      templatesConfigPath: /config/oneclick-local.yml  # the config file for the oneclick template (optional)
      lbNamespace: default   # The K8s namespace where the Loadbalancer is created

Note: The contents of the file /opt/spinnaker/credentials/github-creds.txt should be of the format: username:token for the github API. You can create a personal access token (in GitHub) that has read/write access in the org where the new application will be created.

With the above config changes, once you redeploy Armory spinnaker, you should see a navbar on top that looks like this:


Clicking on the Create App button on the top right corner should bring up a modal that will allow you to select a template, enter an application name to provision the app:


By default, the 1-Click App Creation performs the following tasks:

  • createPipeline : This step creates a Deploy pipeline in spinnaker for the new app. If the spinnaker application doesn’t exist, it creates the application first before creating the pipeline. This pipeline is copied over from a template pipeline that is already in spinnaker and defaults to oneclickgotemplate app in spinnker. The default app to copy from can be overwritten in the configs (explained below)

  • createLoadBalancer : This step creates a load balancer in the Kubernetes cluster where the app will be deployed. (If deploying to a non-Kubernetes cloud provider, this step should be disabled in the configs)

  • createGithubRepo : This step creates a repo in github to bootstrap the app. Ideally this repo follows a widly adopted project structure (such as this for Golang). It has a Jenkinsfile which triggers of a build of the repo on every check-in. That build can push an artifact to a repository (like docker hub), which can be the trigger for the Deploy pipeline created above (in the createPipeline step). Additionally, this repo can also have a dinghyfile Pipelines-as-code to create a custom pipeline instead of using the one created above.

  • createGoogleDNSEntry : This step creates a DNS entry (in GCP for the alpha version) for the app that is deployed.

The follwing is a sample config/oneclick-local.yml template that can be used to customize/override defaults. Points to note:

  • We’re skipping the createLoadBalancer action in the yaml file.
  • The basePipelineApp is the app in spinnaker where the deploy pipeline is copied over from (the dashes - in the name are ignored since spinnaker doesn’t allow them in app names).
  • The repoURL field is the template repo on which the app is based.
  • The name field is used for the name of the template to copy from (usually same as basePipelineApp)
  • The image field controls what image is displayed in the modal while choosing templates. (leave it as gopher in the alpha version)
  - actions: 
      - createPipeline
      - createGithubRepo
      - createGoogleDNSEntry
    basePipelineApp: oneclick-go-template
    image: gopher
    name: oneclick-go-template
    repoURL: "https://github.com/armory-io/oneclick-go-template"
    githubOrg: "armory-io"