Load Balancers

This guide should tell you:

Things to do beforehand:

  • Before you create a Load Balancer, your Security Group will already need to exist.

Create a Load Balancer

Step 1: After you select your Application, click on the Load Balancers tab.

Step 2: Click the “Create Load Balancer” button.

Step 3: The Stack and Detail should be kept in mind when creating the pipeline because the pipeline’s deployment of server group should be using the same Stack and Detail.

Delete a Load Balancer

Note: You can only delete Load Balancers if they do not have any instances attached to them.

Step 1: Go to your Load Balancers in your Applications.

Step 2: Select a Load Balancer, then to the right a column with the Load Balancer’s details should appear. Select the drop down menu and press “Delete”.