v1.10.207 Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

01/12/18 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version.

Highlighted Updates

Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

Some clusters tasks (e.g. scale down) may take a long time to complete. You can now ADJUST IT!
Set orca-local.yml with tasks.waitForClusterTimeout with your own value in ms.

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Orca - v5.9.1

  • feat(tasks) - adds configuration property to waitForCluster timeouts (PR-1889)

Detailed Updates

Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

Lighthouse™ - 8addc87

  • only delete the file if the file exists (#134)
  • blacklist files that are in armoryspinnaker (#133)
  • add env/armory.env to upload blacklist (#131)

Packager - 581f8d0

  • add comments on where to find examples (#257)
  • add compose/*-secrets.yml sourcing (#258)
  • allow bin/secrets to add to (#256)

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Orca - v5.9.1

  • feat(tasks) - adds configuration property to waitForCluster timeouts
  • feat(kubernetes): Evaluate spel in remote manifests (#1888)
  • feat(provider/ecs): Added EcsImageFinder (#1886)
  • feat(provider/ecs): Added EcsServerGroupCreator (#1885)
  • feat(spel): Add stageExists helper function. (#1884)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): promote context as well as output (#1883)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): deploy both optional & required artifacts (#1882)
  • feat(templates): Allow null valued jinja variables. (#1881)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): find deployed artifacts from context (#1879)
  • fix(canary-v2): Use new /canary/{executionId} entry point. (#1880)

Echo - v1.542.0

  • fix(pubsub): Add attribute constraints to triggers. (#218)

Deck - v2.1168.0

  • feat(provider/google): Clarify help messages for pubsub fields. (#4613)
  • feat(deck/settings): Default to searchVersion: 1 (#4621)
  • fix(amazon): Default copySourceCustomBlockDeviceMappings to false (#4620)
  • Update ui-route visualizer to 5.1.2
  • style(amazon/azure/cloudfoundry/core/dcos/google/kubernetes/openstack/oracle): Added new spinners per designs (#4611)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): pick artifacts to deploy (#4595)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): fix runjob trigger image (#4618)
  • style(core): Pods CSS bug fix + addition of bold variants to type (#4608)
  • fix(all): change deprecated babel preset es2015 to preset-env (#4606)
  • feat(kubernetes): deployed yaml in pipeline (#4591)
  • fix(core): keep restrict execution checkbox checked if its set (#4605)
  • fix(core/reactShims): Add catch block to reactShims state.go() calls
  • fix(core/pipeline) Check to see if .stage.restrictedExecutionWindow exists (#4616)
  • fix(core/pipeline): Fix execution graph of groups when MPT partial contains only one stage (#4615)
  • Fixes issue where jquery-ui was not correctly loaded by webpack (#4614)
  • fix(core): add cluster level tags to server groups (#4612)
  • Set custom parameters using the UI (#4596)
  • style(provider/google): Fix react-style dropdown z-index in Instance Type configurer (#4610)

Gate - v4.17.1

  • fix(pipelines): allow utf-8 characters in pipeline fields (#495)
  • feat(provider/ecs): Added role controller + service (#497)
  • feat(provider/ecs): Added ECS cluster controller + service (#499)
  • feat(authz): support migrating clouddriver account authz config to permissions (#494)
  • fix(canary-v2): Canary results entrypoint no longer requires canary config id. (#493)

Igor - v1.87.4

  • fix(jenkins): include retrySupport bean (#216)
  • fix(jenkins): add retrySupport to getProperties call (#215)
  • fix(travis/triggers): Keep track of builds in flight. (#214)
  • refactor(travis/cache): Remove migration to cache with ttl set (#213)
  • feat(gitlab-ci): Implement triggering of Spinnaker pipelines by Gitlab CI pipelines (#211)

Clouddriver - v1.755.0

  • feat(provider/ecs): ECS Target Group cache client and tests. (#2265)
  • feat(provider/ecs): ECS Loadbalancer cache client and tests. (#2264)
  • Added TaskHealthCaching - Agent/Client/Tests. (#2260)
  • Added EcsCloudMetricAlarmCaching - Agent/Client/Tests. (#2263)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): v2 Set default namespace dynamically (#2279)
  • fix(jobs): Fix bottleneck around JobLocalExecutor.startJob (#2280)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): only redeploy versioned artifacts on changes (#2278)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): annotate artifacts with reference (#2277)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): Fixed statefulset and daemonset volumesource bugs. (#2276)
  • fix(provider/docker): update bearer_token to access_token (#2274)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): split out required & optional artifacts (#2273)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): Replace artifact only if target found (#2259)
  • feat(authz): requiredGroupMemberships to permissions migration (#2272)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): fail deploy if artifacts don’t bind (#2271)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): return resource create time (#2269)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): v2 ignore caching flag (#2268)
  • chore(provider/kubernetes): log malformed cache entries (#2262)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): allow empty serviceName in statefulset (#2261)
  • fix(provider/aws): block device config for missing instance types (#2266)
  • bug(provider/openstack) - allow for binding to multiple loadbalancers with the same port mappings. (#2257)