v1.6.35 Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

07/21/17 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version.

Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

lighthouse - 2296c37

  • Version lock yaml-tools for loading spinnaker configurations
  • use spinnaker configuration ymls to determine whether to use SSL for health checking gate (#72)
  • Notify echo when /healthcheck is called (#64)
  • add disk usage to healthcheck (#62)

dashboard - 2e7c892

  • Do not filter on client. Unsafe. Filter on server.
  • Auto refresh (#15)

Spinnaker Community Contributions

orca - v2.14.4

  • fix(pipelinetemplate): Prevent renderer from erasing expressions (#1437)
  • feat(pipelinetemplate): Jinja tag to resolve pipeline ids by app & name (#1432)
  • feat(aws/commits): add build info to execution (#1429)
  • fix(metrics) accidentally used a reserved term in metric tag
  • fix(orca) track task invocations as per v2
  • feat(orca) make v3 the default execution engine
  • feat(metrics) add tags to push and duplicate message metrics (#1431)
  • fix(errors) respect failure status overrides when task throws exception
  • fix(restarts) don’t try to prep for restart stages that never started
  • chore(queue): Adding application tag to time all interceptor metrics where possible (#1427)
  • chore(orca): upgrade Kotlin
  • fix(aws): fix monitor task name on delete scaling policy stage (#1404)
  • fix(queue): Correctly wire up priority capacity listener (#1425)
  • fix(aws/deploy): before stage preprocessors were not working on v3
  • feat(queue): Prioritized message capacity guarantees support (#1418)
  • fix(tagging): Fix cleaning of entity tags during rolling push (#1422)
  • fix(pollers): Update TopApplicationExecutionCleanup to scan instead of keys
  • feat(redis/metrics): adds metrics for redis connection pools.
  • feat(task): add flag to let stage succeed on timeout (#1417)
  • fix(queue): rare race condition where branch stops just between other branches stages running
  • fix(pipelinetemplate) make pipelineConfigId optional (#1419)
  • fix(exceptions): ensure exception handlers are evaluated in order
  • chore(orca): more non-null markers
  • chore(orca): mark some nullability constraints for Kotlin’s benefit
  • fix(pipelines): remove the generic signature of ExceptionHandler
  • chore(queue): Normalizing traffic shaping metrics (#1412)
  • fix(expressions): fixes an issue with toJson on expressions.
  • fix(queue): ensure null queue state is never returned on new instances
  • fix(queue): retry 429s
  • feat(queue): Redis-backed throttles (#1383)
  • fix(queue): handle recoverable errors when planning a stage
  • chore(queue): marked a bunch of things deprecated that will be removed
  • fix(expressions): should not throw an exception if request was successful (#1408)
  • fix(queue): allow cancellation of paused pipelines
  • chore(expressions): retry within fromUrl expression helper on network errors as well (#1405)
  • fix(clouddriver): NPE safe some HTTP error condition checks
  • fix(permissions): Fix issue creating/deleting application config by updating Permission model (#1395)
  • chore(queue): remove temporary feature flag for message de-duplication
  • chore(queue): tidy up duplication in queue tests
  • fix(queue): temporary flag to control de-duping
  • fix(queue): distinct counter for failing to acquire lock on message read
  • chore(queue): consolidate queue metrics gathering
  • fix(queue): handle old messages that were never hashed
  • fix(queue): clarify callback shenanigans
  • fix(queue): better hash for messages
  • fix(queue): prevent duplicate messages getting pushed to the queue
  • fix(expressions): retry within fromUrl expression helper (#1392)
  • bug fix for https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/1738 (#1398)
  • fix(pipelinetemplate): Handle converting groovy expression syntax better (#1397)
  • chore(queue): improved read lock mechanism
  • fix(pipelinetemplate): Include partials in template merge ops (#1394)
  • chore(build): Conditionally include loadtest project in build (#1376)
  • Avoid NullPointerException by requiring tagsByImageId to be presenent during Find Images by Tags (#1388)
  • fix(orca): don’t NPE if a pipeline has executionEngine:null
  • fix(queue): don’t retry ContinueParentStage if a BEFORE stage has failed
  • feat(provider/dcos): Add support for DC/OS pipelines (#1363)
  • fix(queue): don’t ping-pong messages when an execution doesn’t exist
  • feat(orca): per-app flag in redis to run orchestrations on v3
  • fix(orca): add a metric for task completions tagged by status and task type
  • fix(orca): stage timeout override can apparently be any type of number
  • fix(orca): safer read of timeout override from stage context
  • fix(orca): honor timeout overrides in v3
  • Additional queue metrics (#1379)
  • fix(orca): restarted pipelines should block new executions
  • fix(orca): fix stall at join stage when branch restarted
  • chore(orca): added a test to ensure optional stage expression edge case works
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#1375)
  • fix(queue): execution windows should precede parallel stages
  • feat(pipelinetemplate): Support inline templates during plan tasks (#1371)
  • fix(queue): prevent stopped branches from aborting pipelines
  • fix(queue): allow tasks to refer to global context keys seamlessly
  • fix(pipelinetemplate): Remove unused ID property from config schema (#1370)
  • fix(pipelinetemplate): Disallow dots in pipeline template IDs (#1367)

echo - v1.139.0

  • feat(pipelinetemplate) Add config and type attributes to the trigger payload (#149)
  • fix(rest) - fixes the tokens used for the rest templates (#150)
  • feat(rest): introduces a new configuration option,insecure which creates a https client which is insecure by ignoring host verification and does not validate certificate chains. (#148)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#147)

front50 - v1.99.0

  • fix(permissions): Fix issue where not all roles were being synced upon permission modification. (#241)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#240)
  • fix(test): Remove account front redis provider to get tests to pass (#238)

spinnaker - v0.82.0

  • feat(bom): Adds utility to reconstruct source from BOM. (#1745)
  • fix(annotate): Add the human tags to HEAD. (#1748)
  • fix(annotate): Honor manually specified tag override. (#1747)
  • fix(google_images): Supply Halyard with a user to run as. (#1746)
  • fix(install): Supply –user to halyard install script (#1743)
  • fix(validate): fixed location assumptions in tests. (#1741)
  • fix(validate): Fixed server group check in appengine_smoke_test. (#1740)
  • fix(validate): sudo hal deploy apply (#1737)
  • fix(validate): Fixed hal user from previous commit. (#1736)
  • fix(validate): Install halyard with –user (#1735)
  • chore(validate): various validation cleanup and refactoring (#1734)
  • fix(build): Revert change to build numbers. (#1733)
  • feat(validate): Added –halyard_version (#1730)
  • fix(build): Write Halyard version to test into a global file. (#1731)
  • fix(bom): Quick fix for Debian repo URI. (#1727)
  • fix(bom): Make git artifact source name agnostic. (#1726)
  • fix(build): Write build subprocess output to file. (#1719)
  • feat(bom): Adds artifact sources so BOM is self-describing. (#1715)
  • feat(bom): Include component commit hashes in BOM. (#1720)
  • fix(validate): Fix validating aws deployments (#1718)
  • fix(publish): Change to UTC time and clean git artifacts. (#1716)
  • feat(validate): validate halyard aws. (#1714)
  • chore(install): Halyard bootscript (#1486)
  • feat(halyard): Build halyard image (#1709)
  • fix(publish_bom): Can’t cat strings to lists. (#1712)
  • fix(build): Include all subsystems in index. (#1710)
  • fix(build): Space out container builds. (#1707)
  • Create README.md
  • Update README.md
  • feat(halyard): Base install for c2d (#1706)
  • fix(dev): various fixes to build scripts (#1700)
  • Pin redis version on first boot (#1704)
  • Updates PR template contributing URL (#1702)
  • fix(changelog_gist): Don’t chop off first component name. (#1701)
  • fix(component_image): Can’t gcloud get instances (#1699)
  • fix(changelog): Sanitize changelog and rename changelog post. (#1697)
  • Config network protocol used (#1693)
  • fix(validate): Fixed front50 test (#1694)
  • feat(validation): Monitor validation (#1691)
  • feat(validate): Deploy to EC2 (#1688)
  • fix(bake): Warn when quota may be exhausted (#1689)
  • fix(publish/halyard): Ensure docs are always unique (#1687)
  • fix(validate): pass through hal_user when ssh/scp (#1685)
  • fix(bake): Allow auto-delete flag to propagate (#1686)
  • fix(validate): Handle no-argument flags (#1682)
  • fix(deploy): publish stable halyard version (#1681)
  • fix(publish_changelog): Don’t use full path name for ‘created by’ file (#1679)
  • fix(google_kato_test): Temporarily remove list image test. (#1680)
  • feat(validate): Run appengine integration tests. (#1676)

deck - v2.1126.0

  • fix(gce): prevent npe when loading server group wizard in project without default network (#3863)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix deleting ALBs (#3862)
  • chore: bump core to 0.0.26 and amazon to 0.0.10 (#3861)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Cleanup ALB listeners CRUD UI (#3857)
  • feat(pipeline/RunJob): Allow container name conf (#3858)
  • fix(core): reduce badge size in compact headers (#3855)
  • feat(provider/google): Add support for Minimum CPU Platform. (#3856)
  • feat(core): require app name in appModelBuilder.createApplication (#3850)
  • feat(gce): better custom instance selector (#3851)
  • fix(gce): minor formatting change for user data input field (#3829)
  • fix(provider/gce): Make the linter happy. (#3854)
  • Revert “feat(provider/google): Add ILB listeners.” (#3853)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix missing information for ALB target groups (#3852)
  • fix(aws): change “deprecated” to “not recommended” on rolling push (#3849)
  • fix(aws): provide explanatory text when no target groups present (#3847)
  • fix(core/entityTag): Clone more fields in UI when editing an entity tag (#3848)
  • fix(core) dedupe execution account labels (#3845)
  • fix(gce): placate linter (#3844)
  • fix(permissions): Prevent user from only specifying READ permission, and thus locking everyone out of that application (#3835)
  • chore(canary): move canary out of core to separate module (#3843)
  • fix(core): import from base rxjs (#3842)
  • chore(core): bump to 0.0.22 (#3841)
  • fix(gce): cast load balancers to pacify TS compiler (#3840)
  • chore(core): bump package to 0.0.21 (#3839)
  • fix(core): correctly set default state on custom strategy params (#3836)
  • feat(core/entityTag): optionally render titles on alerts
  • fix(core/entityTag): delete unused code
  • feat(core/entityTag): Tweak alert category descriptions (again)
  • feat(provider/google): Add ILB listeners. (#3832)
  • feat(core/entityTag): Wait 100ms before showing entity tag popover
  • feat(provider/google): Add support for Shared VPC Networking (XPN). (#3831)
  • feat(core/entityTag): Tweak alert category descriptions (#3830)
  • fix(core/executions): Show durations in execution details/permalink (#3809)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Run Job extended config (#3823)
  • feat(core): move canary/aca to core, remove netflix references
  • feat(core): restore canary/aca stages
  • feat(kubernetes) instance links (#3827)
  • chore(provider/google): Update auth scopes tooltip. (#3826)
  • fix(core): include “feature” on spinnaker component ctrl
  • fix(aws): restrict rolling push strategy to AWS
  • fix(pipelines): fix float on health counts
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Convert createClassicLoadBalancer to TS and extract common functions (#3818)
  • fix(pipeline-template): follow angular module name conventions for pipeline template plan errors component
  • fix(pipeline-templates) fix rendering issues for errors and help fields (#3819)
  • refactor(aws): make scaling policies customizable
  • fix(provider/amazon): Require target groups to have unique names
  • refactor(provider/amazon): convert createApplicationLoadBalancer to TS (#3816)
  • Bug fix where preconfigured webhook is not sending HTTP headers
  • fix(kubernetes): Search not working if result contained K8S load balancer
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix key collisions when an ALB and classic LB existed with the same name
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix instance health setting in target groups (#3813)
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Separate load balancer types (#3810)
  • feat(core): include description in applications list view
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Convert load balancer transformer to TS (#3806)
  • fix(tests): exclude /lib/ from test context
  • feat(provider/amazon): CRUD for ALBs (#3803)
  • feat(google): adds ability to package deck/google as a library (#3805)
  • feat(provider/kubenretes): Support downward API env vars (#3804)
  • feat(core): automatically scroll to server group on deep link
  • fix(pipelines): correct diff on stages, smaller stringVal, dedupes
  • chore(docker): rev package to 0.0.17
  • chore(core) rev package to 0.0.17
  • fix(core): initialize strategy selector
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add link back to load balancer from target group details (#3796)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Expose ipAddressType in the ALB details panel (#3795)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Add server groups to target group details (#3794)
  • fix(core/bootstrap): Add missing imports
  • feat(bake/docker) add rebake flag to docker bakes (#3792)
  • refactor(core): Rename core.module to typescript - Remove uirouter.stateEvents.shim.js - Refactor app initialization blocks to separate files
  • fix(provider/amazon): fix load balancer vpc id
  • fix(provider/gce): Disallow editing ports for ILBs. (#3790)
  • chore(core): Update core/tsconfig.json to include all typescript files
  • feat(pipeline-templates): config view (#3787)
  • chore(core): Update to @uirouter/angularjs@1.0.3
  • fix(firefox): Fix application config scrolling in firefox (#3785)
  • chore(core): Bump version to 0.0.16
  • fix(Markdown): Do not render when message is empty
  • chore(core): Bump version to 0.0.15 (#3783)
  • chore(provider/amazon): Bump amazon to 0.0.6 (#3782)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#3781)
  • the static html in /opt/deck/html is not generated when building an RPM because the dependency is not set in build.gradle. Fixing it.
  • feat(core/entityTag): Render tagline for alerts, if present (#3779)
  • feat(core/entityTag): Add categories to alerts popovers (#3773)
  • chore(expression-docs): change expression docs link (#3778)
  • chore(core): rev version to 0.0.14
  • feat(core): Common ratelimit http header (#3775)
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Convert serverGroupConfiguration.service to TS (#3774)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): fixes bug with edit server group dialog delays (#3719)
  • refactor(strategies): make strategies provider-pluggable, convert to TS
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Convert serverGroup.transformer to TS and type ScalingPolicies (#3770)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Add originl refresh time back to load balancer selector
  • refactor(provider/amazon): Convert load balancer selector to TS
  • chore(amazon): ensure module names all start with “spinnaker.amazon”
  • feat(core): include help on instance port, align checkboxes
  • fix(entityTags): do not pre-optimize tag retrieval in data source

gate - v3.44.0

  • feat(provider/amazon): Provide endpoints for the certificate provider in clouddriver (#414)
  • fix(insight-links): filter invalid insight links based on cloud provider (#412)
  • feat(applications): allow filtering on accounts from /applications endpoint (#409)
  • fix(ratelimit): Check user for anonymous email (#408)
  • fix(web): Implementing missed clouddriver selector callsites (#407)
  • fix(api-docs): Pull in new swagger library & include Auth controller in generated docs (#406)
  • feat(web): Request-time clouddriver client selection (#405)
  • feat(*): Set anonymous principal to x-ratelimit-app header if provided (#404)
  • fix(ratelimit): Correctly log principal name (#403)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#401)
  • feat(ratelimit): Adding principal metrics (#402)
  • fix(web): Include better context in save pipeline template ops (#400)
  • fix(ratelimit): Ignore deck API requests (#399)

rosco - v0.97.0

  • feat(google/xpn): Add support for shared VPC networks. (#212)
  • Add Ubuntu 14.04 ami for us-east-2 (#211)
  • Having the -e in the shebang generates a POSTIN scriplet error during installation. (#209)
  • chore(config): Switch to non-deprecated config & remove 12.04 from gce images (#204)
  • fix(core): Explicitly convert -var-file GString to String to avoid CCE on json serialization to redis. (#207)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#206)
  • feat(core): Add hostname to roscoInstanceId (#205)
  • chore(halconfig): configDir should be static (#203)

clouddriver - v1.649.0

  • fix(aws/updateLaunchConfig): update block devices when changing instance types
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): Update HPA endpoint for k8s 1.6 (#1692)
  • feat(kubernetes): cache additional resources (#1719)
  • fix(aws/serverGroup): add build info (#1718)
  • feat(provider/dcos): Add deploy and clone server group operations (#1703)
  • fix(amazon): handle instance not found exception in describeinstances (#1715)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Allow target groups to have more than one lsitener (#1713)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Configure Service Acct (#1711)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Check default actions for used target group names (#1712)
  • fix(amazon): send correct source region when copying scaling policies (#1704)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix create alb for real (#1709)
  • fix(provider/amazon): fix the alb create validator (#1707)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Support on demand caching for ALBs (#1689)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Certificate provider is optional (#1706)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add cachingagent and provider for server certificates (#1702)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix deleting of classic load balancers (#1705)
  • fix: allow k8s configMaps to have no items (#1701)
  • feat(provider/google): Add support for Minimum CPU Platform. (#1699)
  • fix(provider/google): Handle empty xpn resources. (#1698)
  • feat(provider/dcos): Load balancer and secret caching agents (#1696)
  • fix(cats): Remove lock key from Redis when agent is unscheduled. (#1695)
  • chore(core): Update spinnaker-dependencies version. (#1697)
  • feat(provider/google): Support multiple listeners for ILBs. (#1693)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add validation rules around listeners and target groups (#1694)
  • feat(provider/google): Add support for Shared VPC Networking (XPN). (#1691)
  • fix(requestQueue): differentiate timeout in queue vs in processing.
  • feat(provider/dcos): Server group and instance caching agents (#1674)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Remove associated listeners and target groups on delete of ALB (#1687)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Annotation config (#1686)
  • fix(appengine): prevent flaky appengine deploy failures (#1685)
  • feat(provider/oraclebmcs): Adding initial loadbalancer support (#1673)
  • Sanitize logging in clouddriver (#1530)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Run Job Pod Labels (#1683)
  • fix(provider/google): Respect pagination tokens when querying aggregated machine types on startup. (#1682)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Use edda if available for listener rules (#1680)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Use ActionTypeEnum value everywhere to make alb upsert simpler (#1681)
  • fix(provider/kubernetes): Field refs were not loaded (#1678)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Support caching of Rules and support CRUD of rules (#1675)
  • fix(requestqueue): adds additional instrumentation.
  • fix(provider/google): Don’t NPE when machine types aren’t returned. (#1672)
  • fix(provider/amazon): NullPointerException if Edda is not present (#1671)
  • fix(loadtest): Simplified load configuration (#1670)
  • fix(loadtest): Adjust logging configuration (#1669)
  • feat(provider/dcos): Add initial scaffolding for DC/OS provider (#1636)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add support to upsert an ALB with certs on the listener (#1664)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Use edda views if available for TargetGroup* and Listener aching (#1662)
  • feat(request buffer): optional buffer to distribute api requests
  • fix(provider/amazon): Disable alb caching via edda by default (#1668)
  • feat(loadtest): Rough cut of some gatling-based load tests for clouddriver (#1666)
  • change instance lookup for enable/disable to not issue a describeInstances with a filter but instead ask for known instance ids
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix ELB deploy; stop modifying the input (#1665)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add target groups to load balancer description on direct lookup (#1663)
  • fix(provider/amazon): add gov-cloud special case to arn patterns (#1653)
  • fix(provider/google): Wait for L4 LB instance deregister. (#1658)
  • refactor(provider/amazon): normalize elbv2 names (#1657)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix load balancer loading (#1660)
  • fix(docs): Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#1656)
  • fix(provider/amazon): Fix upsert ALB when target group does not exist (#1655)
  • feat(provider/amazon): Add target group lists to load balancer summary (#1651)
  • fix(eureka): Add back eureka caching agent (#1654)