v1.9.280 Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

11/02/17 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker rollback to a previous working version

Note: This release requires an update to your IAM access policy. You can alway find the latest policy in our documentation.

Highlighted Updates

Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

  • New features for SLA monitoring of applications
  • Fix for certified pipelines

lighthouse - 17afad7

  • Initial implementation SLA computation.

barometer - ebebe12

  • Upate CanaryConfig to include newmetric flag and metrics.

deck-armory - c863768

  • Require at least one LB be defined for SLA

Spinnaker Community Contributions

orca - v3.35.1

  • feat(manualJudgment): allow standard notification types for manual judgment (#1739)

echo - v1.150.1

  • fix(email): handle link/executionId replacement in custom email body (#193)
  • feat(hipchat/email): allow custom messages for hipchat/email notifications (#192)
  • feat(slack): allow ad-hoc message publishing via Slack (#189)
  • feat(pubsub): Adds endpoint to surface configured pubsub subscriptions. (#187)

front50 - v1.116.0

  • fix(pipeline_template): Default scope to none (#286)
  • feat(keel): adding basic storage of intents (#285)

gate - v4.9.2

  • fix(web): NPE when no scopes provided (#475)
  • feat(echo/pubsub): Expose endpoint to query subscriptions. (#472)

igor - v1.78.0

  • feat(travis): New caching strategy for builds (#194)
  • feat(travis) configurable number of repositories to track on each poll (#193)

clouddriver - v1.691.0

  • feat(provider/aws): Support specifying explicit subnet ids for deploy (#2026)
  • fix(aws): Only autocreate app elb security group on Create (#2025)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Enable annotations, labels and secrets for security groups (aka ingress resources) (#2000) (#2005)

fiat - v0.32.0

  • Add backoff and rety to GCP directory listings. (#202)
  • fix(authz/github): Default cache TTL (#201)
  • fix(authz/github): Add cache to team membership check to prevent excessive http requests (#200)

Detailed Updates

Armory Enterprise Spinnaker

lighthouse - 17afad7

  • Add blocking_timeout
  • Change redis locking, put TTL on it “just in case”. (#122)
  • Use Redis to cache metrics per LB/metric pair
  • Don’t query to compute SLA unless LB defined
  • Put back error logging if current pipeline config query fails.
  • log both to instance and stdout.
  • Jsonrequests does auth, simplify /v1/pipelines & termination.
  • Attempt to resolve the X-Spinnaker-User issue.
  • If present, pass along the X-Spinnaker-User header for auth.
  • Initial implementation SLA computation.

barometer - ebebe12

  • Upate CanaryConfig to include newmetric flag and metrics.
  • Copy/edits on the test files.
  • Remove timeboard related stuff.
  • Remove timeboards.
  • Clone datadog & rename.
  • Add some docs about time bucket size based on the query window.
  • Use aggregation functions with canaries.
  • Compute recommended deviation value.
  • Filter historic data by tags. (#99)
  • Return status 400 if no data for metric. (#98)

deck-armory - c863768

  • Take out debug console.log that got missed.
  • Require at least one LB be defined for SLA
  • Change out the account config for LB list config
  • Eng 704 config sla (#53)
  • Fix Error about implicit type.
  • Use the actual gateUrl.
  • pass aggregation to historical analysis
  • use recomendedHistoricalMultiplier instead of deviation

Spinnaker Community Contributions

orca - v3.35.1

  • fix(mahe): do not clean up properties that have been updated (#1741)
  • fix(dryrun): ignore additional context field
  • feat(manualJudgment): allow standard notification types for manual judgment (#1739)
  • feat(moniker): Use moniker for app name over frigga in flex (#1736)
  • feat(moniker): Pass moniker to cleanup stages. (#1732)
  • feat(moniker): Use moniker for Rollingpush tasks. (#1703)
  • Attempt to use moniker before frigga (#1697)
  • fix(exec window): leave shared state alone (#1737)
  • fix(manual judgment): switching back to polling to respect timeout overrides (#1735)
  • fix(dryrun): try to cope with values that are sometimes floats or ints
  • fix(tasks): stop using ‘shared’ task state (#1731)
  • fix(rrb): Only inject pipeline stage if applicaton + pipelineId present (#1729)
  • fix(dryrun): strip nested nulls when comparing context
  • fix(logging): updating timeout message w/ timeout value (#1728)
  • fix(cancel): cancel during wait stage (#1726)
  • fix(dryrun): ignore certain keys in context

echo - v1.150.1

  • fix(email): handle link/executionId replacement in custom email body (#193)
  • feat(hipchat/email): allow custom messages for hipchat/email notifications (#192)
  • chore(artifacts): Add regex test (#181)
  • fix(logging) slf4j for retrofit (#191)
  • feat(pubsub): Support firing triggers from configured subscriptions. (#190)
  • feat(slack): allow ad-hoc message publishing via Slack (#189)
  • feat(dryrun) replace default notifications with custom
  • feat(pubsub): Adds endpoint to surface configured pubsub subscriptions. (#187)

front50 - v1.116.0

  • fix(pipeline_template): Default scope to none (#286)
  • feat(keel): adding basic storage of intents (#285)
  • fix(logging) StructuredArgument consistency (#283)

gate - v4.9.2

  • fix(web): NPE when no scopes provided (#475)
  • feat(v2-canary): add application query param to config list endpoint (#474)
  • fix(pipeline_template): Default no scopes for pipeline templates (#473)
  • feat(echo/pubsub): Expose endpoint to query subscriptions. (#472)
  • feat(gae): Adds endpoint to surfact GAE storage accounts. (#470)

igor - v1.78.0

  • feat(travis): New caching strategy for builds (#194)
  • feat(travis) configurable number of repositories to track on each poll (#193)
  • chore(dependencies): upgrade spinnaker-dependencies to 0.117.0 (#192)

clouddriver - v1.691.0

  • feat(provider/aws): Support specifying explicit subnet ids for deploy (#2026)
  • fix(aws): Only autocreate app elb security group on Create (#2025)
  • fix(provider/gce): Fix broken deploys with namedPorts. (#2023)
  • fix(cats): Remove unmodifiable collections from modifiable codepaths (#2022)
  • feat(google): Instrument individual google API calls. (#2016)
  • feat(provider/kubernetes): Enable annotations, labels and secrets for security groups (aka ingress resources) (#2000) (#2005)

fiat - v0.32.0

  • Add backoff and rety to GCP directory listings. (#202)
  • fix(authz/github): Default cache TTL (#201)
  • fix(authz/github): Add cache to team membership check to prevent excessive http requests (#200)