v2.15.1 Armory Release (OSS Release 1.15.2)

08/26/19 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version and please report issues to http://go.armory.io/support.

Known Issues

  • Clouddriver caching of Docker Registry tags is slow in this release. Registries containing a large number of tags (> 1000) will result in docker triggers not properly triggering until caching is complete – which might take 10 minutes or more.

Note: Updating to OSS 1.15.x created an issue with the secrets config in Clouddriver and Echo. Armory Halyard 1.6.5 fixes this issue. Please update your Halyard to 1.6.5 or later: sudo update-halyard --version 1.6.5

Highlighted Updates


This release fixes an issue where the clouddriver-ro pod fails to start when using Vault secrets with HA Clouddriver enabled.

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Spinnaker 1.15.2 Release Notes

Detailed Updates

Bill of Materials

Here’s the bom for this version.

version: 2.15.1-rc876
timestamp: "2019-08-26 16:13:58"
    version: 6.1.0-9db8e9d-ad713a7-rc25
    version: 2.10.2-8850beb-09e4382-rc20
    version: 0.0.4-5cb920e-rc815
    version: 2.6.0-16a503d-6160b79-rc14
    version: 1.6.1-84d2119-fced26e-rc14
    version: 0.18.0-318214b-a8c2462-rc16
    version: 1.10.0-83b6e52-a9ee8eb-rc14
    version: 1.4.0-0dbfd5e-3245969-rc14
    version: 0.10.1-1a6b0ea-6a3c60f-rc19
    version: 0.14.0-a37ddce-rc6
    version: 0.14.0-a37ddce-rc6
    version: 2.8.2-9605212-a55e367-rc17
    version: 0.13.0-7b4de48-f01311c-rc19
    version: 0.0.2-63b5d5c-edge2
    version: 2:2.8.4-2
  dockerRegistry: docker.io/armory


Dinghy™ - 9ccc528…5cb920e

  • fix(yaml): Change how we sub modules in preprocess (#184)

Terraformer™ - 63b5d5c

No Changes

Armory Clouddriver - 1862b8b…9db8e9d

No Changes

Armory Deck - 1c65f72…8850beb

No Changes

Armory Echo - 7f44a96…16a503d

No Changes

Armory Fiat - b557350…84d2119

No Changes

Armory Front50 - 318214b

No Changes

Armory Gate - 83b6e52

No Changes

Armory Igor - 0dbfd5e

No Changes

Armory Kayenta - 83f4056…1a6b0ea

No Changes

Armory Orca - 62b8988…9605212

No Changes

Armory Rosco - d7a038b…7b4de48

No Changes

Armory Open Core

Dinghy (Open Core) 1214a73…d62dc4a

  • fix(network): catch only 404. if there’s some other kind of error, don’t continue (#66)
  • fix(configurablebranches): fix branch name comparison (#65)
  • chore(config): refactor config handling (#51)
  • fix(parse): If templateOrg not configured, error. (#64)
  • fix(errs): bubble up module errors to caller (#63)
  • fix(errs): err -> debug for benign cache lookup issues (#62)
  • feat(pushData): surface push into dinghy template (#61)

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Clouddriver - ad713a7

No Changes

Deck - 39a74be…09e4382

  • fix(gce): remove use of ONLY_DOWN deprecated autoscaler policy (#7310) (#7315)
  • fix(kubernetes): allow base64 manifests in deploy stage (#7298) (#7303)
  • fix(kayenta): bump deck-kayenta to 0.0.85 to include fixes (#7297)

Echo - 4aae0bc…6160b79

  • fix(notifications/googlechat): Fix field visibility. (#622) (#623)

Fiat - fced26e

No Changes

Front50 - e6c5f94…a8c2462

  • fix(web): Better handling when ApplicationPermissionDAO does not exist (#579) (#580)

Gate - 193c7b9…a9ee8eb

  • fix(x509): check if fiat is enabled before fetching permissions on x509 login (#875) (#876)
  • Allow overriding maxAuthenticationAge (#861) (#865)

Igor - 3245969

No Changes

Kayenta - 6a3c60f

No Changes

Orca - 2661d79…a55e367

  • fix(kotlin): spring config classes shouldn’t use constructors (#3030) (#3100)
  • fix(runJob): inject manifest fcr for k8s runjob (#3090) (#3094)
  • fix(gce): remove use of ONLY_DOWN deprecated autoscaler policy (#3087) (#3093)

Rosco - f01311c

No Changes