v2.16.1 Armory Release (OSS Release 1.16.3)

10/17/19 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version and please report issues to http://go.armory.io/support.

Known Issues

There are currently no known issues with this release.

Highlighted Updates


Spinnaker Community Contributions

There have also been numerous enhancements, fixes and features across all of Spinnaker’s other services. See their changes here:

Detailed Updates

Bill of Materials

Here’s the bom for this version.

version: 2.16.1-rc833
timestamp: "2019-10-17 00:53:59"
    version: 6.3.2-9db8e9d-9dae9f4-rc11
    version: 2.12.2-f0fdf1e-a546982-rc23
    version: 0.0.4-defad9b-rc997
    version: 2.8.1-16a503d-55a1580-rc9
    version: 1.7.0-84d2119-e92cfbc-rc4
    version: 0.19.0-195043d-abc5c16-rc4
    version: 1.12.1-83b97ab-2cdf6f9-rc8
    version: 1.6.0-3a56ef6-c9bbca8-rc7
    version: 0.11.0-b2d0be0-8aa41e6-rc5
    version: 0.15.0-f626bb6-rc128
    version: 0.15.0-f626bb6-rc128
    version: 2.10.1-4517040-8855208-rc16
    version: 0.14.0-368e336-338a41d-rc8
    version: 0.0.2-6703356-rc2
    version: 2:2.8.4-2
  dockerRegistry: docker.io/armory


Dinghy™ - 9b3b84f…defad9b

  • chore(build): Update oss dinghy dependency (#190)
  • fix(makeSlice): makeSlice added to HCL/Yaml (#189)

Terraformer™ - c0605a2…6703356

  • Update Dockerfile (#90)

Armory Clouddriver - 9db8e9d

No Changes

Armory Deck - 896d15d…f0fdf1e

  • fix(kayenta): update yarn.lock for NewRelic (#526)

Armory Echo - 16a503d

No Changes

Armory Fiat - 84d2119

No Changes

Armory Front50 - 195043d

No Changes

Armory Gate - 83b97ab

No Changes

Armory Igor - a3f5664…3a56ef6

No Changes

Armory Kayenta - b2d0be0

No Changes

Armory Orca - 4517040

No Changes

Armory Rosco - 368e336

No Changes

Armory Open Core

Dinghy (Open Core) 7072f60..8f0abe1

  • fix(debug): Log fatal Redis error (#73)

Spinnaker Community Contributions

See Spinnaker’s release notes that are included in this release:

Spinnaker 1.16.3

Clouddriver - 031bcec…9dae9f4

  • fix(kubernetes/v1): Fix NPE in autoscaler caching (#4096)
  • fix(kubernetes): Fix matching of artifacts in deploy/patch stages (#4078) (#4079)
  • fix(cf): when scaling cf disabled SG we should use max capacity (#4067) (#4068)
  • fix(dockerfile): use deterministic version for kubectl (#4064) (#4065)
  • fix(kotlin): spring config classes shouldn’t use constructors (#4054) (#4059)
  • fix(kubernetes): Fix missing API versions (#4057)

Deck - b0aac47…a546982

  • fix(artifact/bitbucket): Bitbucket Use Default Artifact (#7523) (#7535)
  • fix(kubernetes): add missing app config param for patch manifest stages (#7521) (#7522)
  • fix(bakeManifest/helm): rawOverrides option (#7514) (#7517)
  • fix(core/pipeline): KLUDGE: use react ‘key’ to reinitialize formik when pipeline reverted (#7500)
  • fix(core): Separate how config and plans are updated, add tests (#7491) (#7494)
  • fix(pipeline): triggers were not reverting in the ui (#7485) (#7490)
  • fix(artifacts/bitbucket): Update the help key to the correct reference to bitbucket (#7475) (#7482)
  • fix(bakeManifest): fix bake manifest UI rendering (#7463) (#7465)
  • fix(artifacts/bitbucket): Allow updates to bitbucket default artifact text input (#7469)
  • fix(kubernetes): Fix merge strategy field (#7455) (#7457)
  • fix(pipeline): unset locked instead of lock when unlocking pipeline (#7445) (#7446)
  • fix(core/pipeline): “Depends On” doesn’t always update when reverting (#7441) (#7443)
  • fix(core/pipeline): Fix revert button for non-templated pipelines (#7440) (#7442)
  • fix(core/pipeline): Don’t break templated pipelines when updating config (#7428) (#7430)
  • fix(core/pipeline): Fix revert button regression for templated pipelines (#7427) (#7429)

Echo - 7aae214…55a1580

  • fix(triggers): add missing docker properties to trigger model (#669) (#670)
  • fix(build): whitelist build package to avoid being ignored by gcloud cloudbuild (#657) (#661)

Fiat - e92cfbc

No Changes

Front50 - abc5c16

No Changes

Gate - fd0128a…2cdf6f9

  • fix(oauth2): Add before filter to fix basic auth (#899) (#912)

Igor - c9bbca8

No Changes

Kayenta - 8aa41e6

No Changes

Orca - 7b4e3dd…8855208

  • fix(bakeManifest): add option for rawOverrides (#3225) (#3226)
  • fix(cfn): Return RUNNING if an error occurred (#3210) (#3216)
  • fix(cf): cf rolling red black did not resize old SG correctly (#3211) (#3212)
  • fix(webhook): Don’t try to deserialize fields we don’t really n… (#3202) (#3207)
  • fix(SpEL): Execution context injected into expressions dynamically (#3142) (#3183)
  • fix(google): fix scale down cluster task in gce red/black (#3177) (#3179)

Rosco - cfb88bb…338a41d

  • fix(bakeManifest): helm –set option (#441) (#445)
  • fix(helm): Fix baking of helm artifacts (#442) (#443)
  • fix(bakeManifest): revert to set-string (#439) (#440)