v2.17.7 Armory Release (OSS Release 1.17.8)

03/30/20 Release Notes

Note: If you’re experiencing production issues after upgrading Spinnaker, rollback to a previous working version and please report issues to http://go.armory.io/support.

Known Issues

  • Policy Engine

    If your OPA policies contain any top level declarations other than deny, the Policy Engine prevents pipelines from being saved.


    Only use deny declarations at the top level. Other declarations can still be used at lower levels of the policy.

Highlighted Updates


This release includes the following:

  • Improved error handling in Pipelines as Code and its microservice, Dinghy.
  • The Terraform integration now uses Clouddriver’s built-in support for git/repo artifact types. Previously, you had to create a custom artifact that was a git/repo type.
  • Addresses a number of CVE’s related to springframework, tomcat, and jackson-databind found in Spinnaker Java services

Spinnaker Community Contributions

No changes to report.

Detailed Updates

Bill of Materials

Here’s the bom for this version.

version: 2.17.7-rc6376
timestamp: "2020-03-30 19:11:05"
    version: 6.4.6-f8375f1-0f2d1d7-rc1086
    version: 2.13.6-1461fcb-ad367c6-rc259
    version: 0.0.4-16cebe7-rc3306
    version: 2.9.1-3b4a8e6-771a15b-rc602
    version: 1.8.3-d2250ba-c62d038-rc1077
    version: 0.20.1-0072b4d-9415a44-rc1076
    version: 1.13.0-6dc03a7-a453541-rc3289
    version: 1.7.0-0bfa2f6-0d9b3f6-rc920
    version: 0.12.0-4597166-5dcec80-rc826
    version: 0.16.0-cbc7624-rc2
    version: 0.16.0-cbc7624-rc2
    version: 2.11.2-7f0d6fa-a8b1679-rc961
    version: 0.15.1-4007f64-269dc83-rc913
    version: 0.0.2-4ed31a9-rc38
    version: 2:2.8.4-2
  dockerRegistry: docker.io/armory


Dinghy™ - bb15163…16cebe7

  • fix(notif): surface policy engine errors in notifications (#194)

Terraformer™ - b6cdbbf…4ed31a9

  • fix(vulns): fix vulnerabilities by upgrading go (#129)
  • chore(artifacts): refactor plugin handling logic (#127)
  • chore(artifacts): fix git/repo handling & refactor (#126)
  • fix(command): fix building target options (#125)
  • fix(artifacts): improve error messaging (#124)
  • feat(artifacts): defer git/repo to clouddriver (#123)
  • feat(terraform): add additional context arround terraform executable errors (#122)
  • chore(dependencies): updated and vendored go-yaml-tools (#119)
  • feat(terraform): add versions 0.12.19 and 0.12.20 (#115)

Armory Clouddriver - cad19c3…f8375f1

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#80)
  • fix(docker): Bump to Python3 for AWS CLI and Google SDK (#69) (#70)

Armory Deck - d5d7828…1461fcb

  • feat(terraformer): display plan detailed result (#568)

Armory Echo - 787cde5…3b4a8e6

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#128)

Armory Fiat - cb77e1e…d2250ba

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#38)

Armory Front50 - 9c0b294…0072b4d

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#40)
  • chore(opa): refactor opa to be more idiomatic (#30)

Armory Gate - 250616f…6dc03a7

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#94)

Armory Igor - 54d7797…0bfa2f6

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#44)

Armory Kayenta - 0085ac5…4597166

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#48)

Armory Orca - 25ef38f…7f0d6fa

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#71)

Armory Rosco - 33810a8…4007f64

  • fix(security): remove cves in databind, spring-framework, tomcat (#33)

Armory Open Core

Dinghy (Open Core) - 60cb2f5…3b0247e

  • fix(templates): templateOrg can be different from target repo (#81)
  • fix(github): Change ref of github to master from refs/heads/master (#79)
  • fix(notif): surface policy engine errors in notifications (#78)

Spinnaker Community Contributions

See Spinnaker’s release notes that are included in this release:

Spinnaker 1.17.8

Clouddriver - 0f2d1d7

  • fix(core): Only log relevant details of description (#4456) (#4459)
  • fix(sql): Cherry pick jooq changes (#4435)
  • fix(provider/cf): Don’t call to spaces on every call to /credentials (#4441) (#4)
  • fix(repository): Enforce serialization order for JedisTask (#4394) (#4398)
  • fix(cf): More parallel processing in the caching agent (#4352)
  • fix(cf): Improved caching agent robustness (#4351)
  • fix(cf): remove the empty cache results for SG (#4310)
  • fix(cf): Parallelize apps/lbs cache building (#4305)
  • fix(cf): allow results per page to be configurable (#4289)
  • fix(cf): reduce results per page requests to lower timeout frequency (#4271)
  • fix(cf): Improve API client error message reporting
  • fix(cf): remove cf secondary cache expiry to prevent expensive api calls (#4244)
  • feat(cf): separate lb and sg into separate caching agents (#4154)
  • refactor(cf): removed unused code, fix spelling and etc (#4159)
  • feat(cf): increase logging for cf to better detect fails (#4156)
  • feat(cf): provide more info when retrying an API (#4137)
  • fix(kubernetes): return provider field with kubernetes /search results (#4249) (#4387)
  • fix(cloudFoundry): fix cloudFoundry job provider (#4379) (#4381)
  • fix(ecs): ECS IAM Path role fix for 1.17 (#4323)

Deck - 75cecc4…ad367c6

  • fix(artifacts): only remove deleted expected artifacts from stages on trigger update (#8071) (#8077)
  • chore(container builds): exclude large cache directories from GCB upload (#7919) (#8006)
  • chore(buildtool): add an empty .gcloudignore file (#7909) (#8003)
  • fix(kubernetes): remove accidental static from resolveIndexedSecurityGroups (#7760) (#7999)

Echo - 771a15b

No Changes

Fiat - c62d038

No Changes

Front50 - 9415a44

No Changes

Gate - a453541

No Changes

Igor - 37fe1ed…0d9b3f6

  • chore(container builds): exclude large cache directories from GCB upload (#633) (#656)
  • chore(buildtool): add an empty .gcloudignore file (#631) (#654)

Kayenta - 5dcec80

No Changes

Orca - b88f62a…a8b1679

  • fix(execution): Fix START_TIME_OR_ID comparator (#3392) (#3499)

Rosco - 269dc83

No Changes