v2.3.2 Armory Release (OSS Release 1.12.x)

04/23/19 Release Notes

Note: please report issues to http://go.armory.io/support.

Known Issues

The following known issues exist in this release.

  • Fiat service accounts are not used properly by Dinghy
  • Enabling SSL Termination at Deck results in Deck failing to start
  • Dinghy does not properly create/update pipelines
  • Dinghy does not populate expected artifacts

Please upgrade to Armory Spinnaker 2.3.6

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Detailed Updates


Here’s the version.manifest for this version.

export jenkins_build_number=376
export packager_version=aed990e
export oss_release_type=stable
export armoryspinnaker_version=2.3.2-rc376
export armoryspinnaker_version_manifest_url=https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/armory-web/install/release/armoryspinnaker-v2.3.2-rc376-version.manifest
export deck_version=2.7.7-caad681-stable7
export deck_armory_version=2.7.7-a47f9ec-caad681-rc27
export kork_version=3.8.1-5814b41-stable139
export igor_version=1.1.1-63d06a5-stable154
export igor_armory_version=1.1.1-2ccbc6a-63d06a5-rc155
export front50_armory_version=0.15.2-c616ed3-3105e86-rc85
export front50_version=0.15.2-3105e86-stable85
export clouddriver_version=4.3.9-d893ca5-stable157
export clouddriver_armory_version=4.3.9-0cd856f-d893ca5-rc156
export spinnaker_monitoring_version=0.11.2-232c84a-rc5
export echo_version=2.3.1-5db9d43-stable156
export echo_armory_version=2.3.1-0b32095-5db9d43-rc111
export kayenta_armory_version=0.6.1-138dc7b-81d906b-rc151
export kayenta_version=0.6.1-81d906b-stable153
export dinghy_version=0.0.2-d48a007-rc38
export rosco_armory_version=0.10.0-0de36d8-af545ba-rc151
export rosco_version=0.10.0-af545ba-stable153
export gate_armory_version=1.5.3-a01ab0f-aa01759-rc157
export gate_version=1.5.3-aa01759-stable156
export terraformer_version=0.0.1-cbdb295-rc8
export orca_version=2.4.2-c488de1-stable154
export orca_armory_version=2.4.2-9354f52-c488de1-rc154
export fiat_armory_version=1.3.2-310bff9-daf21b2-rc154
export fiat_version=1.3.2-daf21b2-stable154


Dinghy™ - 034a6d5…d48a007

  • fix(dependency): Update Plank to fix application creation (#148)
  • fix(logging): honor debug levels

Terraformer™ - cbdb295

No Changes

Armory Clouddriver - 0cd856f

No Changes

Armory Deck - a47f9ec

No Changes

Armory Echo - 0b32095

No Changes

Armory Fiat - 310bff9

No Changes

Armory Front50 - c616ed3

No Changes

Armory Gate - a01ab0f

No Changes

Armory Igor - 2ccbc6a

No Changes

Armory Kayenta - 138dc7b

No Changes

Armory Orca - 9354f52

No Changes

Armory Rosco - 0de36d8

No Changes

Spinnaker Community Contributions

Clouddriver - f68bdcb…d893ca5

  • fix(provider/google): Waits for ssl cert and url map ops. (#3583) (#3586)

Deck - caad681

No Changes

Echo - 5db9d43

No Changes

Fiat - daf21b2

No Changes

Front50 - 3105e86

No Changes

Gate - aa01759

No Changes

Igor - 63d06a5

No Changes

Kayenta - 81d906b

No Changes

Orca - c488de1

No Changes

Rosco - af545ba

No Changes