Air-Gapped Environments

If your environment is air-gapped, you have several options for deploying:

An Air-gapped environment is one where any combination of the following conditions are true:

  • No access to Armory Bill Of Materials (BOM), which are published on S3
  • No ability to pull images from
  • No ability for engineers to deploy with Halyard from their machines

Host Armory’s Bill Of Materials

Armory’s BOMs are stored in the following bucket and are publicly available: s3://halconfig.

If you are unable to access this bucket from the machine running Halyard, host the BOM in either a GCS or S3 compatible storage, such as MinIO.

Using a Custom Bucket and Bills of Materials

Your GCS or S3 compatible bucket needs to contain a versions.yml at the root of the bucket with the following information:

latestHalyard: 1.7.1
latestSpinnaker: 2.16.0
- version: 2.16.0
  alias: OSS Release 1.16.1
  minimumHalyardVersion: 1.2.0
  lastUpdate: "1568853000000"

latestHalyard and latestSpinnaker are used to notify users of new version of Halyard and Spinnaker. You can optionally update them with newer versions. versions is a list of available versions. It is optional if you don’t intend to show new versions when hal version list is run.

Enabling a Custom Bucket From Halyard

To enable custom storage in Halyard, create /opt/spinnaker/config/halyard-local.yml with the following content and restart Halyard:

      # To use a custom GCS bucket, switch this to true
        enabled: false
      # Name of your private bucket
      bucket: myownbucket
      # If your s3 bucket is not in us-west-2 (region does not matter for Minio)
      region: us-east-1
      # If you are using a platform that does not support PathStyleAccess, such as Minio, switch this to true
      enablePathStyleAccess: false
      # For s3 like storage with custom endpoint, such as Minio:
      # endpoint: https://my.minio:9000

Enabling a New Version of Armory Spinnaker

You can download version x.y.z of Armory Spinnaker with this script. Set the value for NEW_DOCKER_REGISTRY to point to your docker repository if needed.

For example:

$ 2.16.0 versions/

You can then upload the files you just downloaded to your storage. Make sure they are readable from wherever Halyard (not necessarily Spinnaker services) will run. For example:


$ aws cp --recursive versions/ s3://myownbucket


$ gsutil cp -m -r ...

Use Custom Docker Registry

If you’re unable to pull from directly, you can use your own registry.

Docker Registry Proxy

Some registries allow pulling remote Docker images from another source. You can replace the dockerRegistry value in the script above via NEW_DOCKER_REGISTRY.

Isolated Docker Registry

If you cannot proxy, push images to your own registry. Images are determined from the BOM. For instance:

    version: 2.11.0-896d15d-b0aac47-rc8
    version: 1.11.0-83b97ab-fd0128a-rc4

You need to copy and to your own registry.

Halyard Cannot Run on the Local Machine

The following solutions assume the that you can use kubectl to access the cluster where Spinnaker is installed.

Option 1: Halyard as a Deployment

You can run Halyard as a Deployment within the cluster that runs Spinnaker if the following conditions are true:

  • You cannot run Halyard directly on your machine. This might be because the local machine cannot run Docker.
  • You have kubectl access to the cluster you are deploying to

The halyard-deployment.ymlmanifest file can be found here:

Fetch the deployment manifest and edit values that are relevant to your deployment, such as namespace. After you edit the manifest, deploy it with the following command:

kubectl apply -f manifest.yml

Finally, to access the deployed Halyard environment, perform the following steps:

  1. Get the name for the Halyard pod:
    kubectl get pods
  2. Exec into the pod:
    kubectl exec -it {pod-name} /bin/bash

Option 2: Spinnaker Operator

The Spinnaker Operator lets you manage Spinnaker with kubectl.

If you also need to use privately hosted bill of materials, configure the operator to point to your bucket. See Custom Halyard Configuration