Spinnaker Services mTLS

What To Expect

This guide describes how to enable mutual TLS (mTLS) between Spinnaker services and is building on top of how to enable TLS:

Adding mTLS provides additional security for your Spinnaker services as only validated clients can interact with services when mTLS is enabled.


mTLS is a transport level security measure. When a client connects to a server, as in a TLS connection:

  • The server responds with its certificate. Additionally, the server sends a certificate request and a list of Distinguished Names the server recognizes.
  • The client verifies the certificate of the server and responds with its own certificate and the Distinguished Name its certificate was (in)directly signed with.
  • The server verifies the certificate of the client.

To set up TLS, provide the following:

  1. For a server:
    • Certificate and private key
    • Chain of certificates to validate clients
  2. For a client:
    • Certificate and private key to present to the server
    • Chain of certificates to validate the server (if self signed)

What You Need

In the following sections, you need the same information that you needed for TLS setup:

  • ca.pem (all Golang servers): the CA certificate in PEM format
  • [service].crt (each Golang server): the certificate and optionally the private key of the Golang server in PEM format
  • [service].key (each Golang server): the private key of the Golang server if not bundled with the certificate above
  • [GOSERVICE]_KEY_PASS (each Golang server): the password to the private key of the server
  • truststore.p12 (all Java clients): a PKCS12 truststore with CA certificate imported
  • TRUSTSTORE_PASS (all Java clients): the password to the truststore above
  • [service].p12 (each Java server): a PKCS12 keystore containing the certificate and private key of the server
  • [SERVICE]_KEY_PASS (each Java server): the password to the keystore above

The server certificate will serve as its client certificate to other services. You can generate different certificates and use them in ok-http-client.key-store* (Java) and http.key* (Golang).

To learn how to generate these files, refer to generating certificates.

Configuration (Java services)

Add the following to each Java service profile: <deploy>/profiles/<service>-local.yml in Halyard or under profiles in the SpinnakerService’s profiles:

# Only needed for "server" role
    enabled: true
    key-store: <reference to [service].p12>
    key-store-type: PKCS12
    key-store-password: <[SERVICE]_KEY_PASS>
    trust-store: <reference to ca.p12>
    trust-store-type: PKCS12
    trust-store-password: <TRUSTSTORE_PASS>
    # Roll out with "want" initially
    client-auth: need

# Needed for all Java services
  key-store: <reference to [service].p12>
  key-store-type: PKCS12
  key-store-password: [SERVICE]_KEY_PASS
  trust-store: <reference to truststore.p12>
  trust-store-type: PKCS12
  trust-store-password: <TRUSTSTORE_PASS>

Configuration (Golang services)

    enabled: true
    certFile: <reference to [service].crt>
    keyFile: <reference to [service].key if not included in the certFile's PEM>
    keyPassword: <[GOSERVICE]_KEY_PASS if required>
    cacertFile: <reference to ca.pem>
    # Roll out with "want" initially
    clientAuth: need

  cacertFile: <reference to ca.pem>
  clientCertFile: <reference to [service].crt>
  clientKeyFile: <reference to [service.key]>
  clientKeyPassword: <[GOSERVICE]_KEY_PASS if required>

Changing Service Endpoints

This section is identical to changing endpoints for TLS.

Changing Readiness Probe

Change the readiness probe used by Kubernetes from an HTTP request to a TCP probe.

  • Operator

    Add the following snippet to each service in SpinnakerService manifest:

      apiVersion: spinnaker.armory.io/v1alpha2
      kind: SpinnakerService
        name: spinnaker
                useTcpProbe: true
  • Halyard

    This can be done by adding the following to each service under <deploy>/service-settings/<service>.yml:

        useTcpProbe: true

    Important: Version 1.8.2 or later of Halyard Armory is required to support TCP probe.


Apply your changes to your Spinnaker deployment:

  • Operator

      kubectl -n <spinnaker namespace> apply -f <SpinnakerService manifest>
  • Halyard

      hal deploy apply

If Spinnaker services are already using HTTPS, you can roll out mTLS without interruption by making the client certificate optional (want) in server.ssl.client-auth (Java) and server.ssl.clientAuth. Then once all the services are stable, rolling out a new configuration with that value set to need.